Wednesday 14 February 2007

David Carson's Raygun Magazine

The key visual attributes of David Carson's "Raygun Magazine" was the fact that it abandoned the usual conventions of magazine design. Headlines, columns and page numbers were not used as standard resulting in a more chaotic style than that of its contemporaries.
Carson questioned the role of type in modern design, and his abstract style was admired by others and often copied by the advertising industry. Carson played with the theory that type should go unnoticed and often experimented with multiple fonts.
The layouts featured fonts and images so distorted they were sometimes impossible to see.
Carson communicated his ideas by using devises such as light text against dark background, dark text against dark background, text running accross pages and horizonally printing accross all coloumns. Even photographs would sometimes be placed upside down on purpose. He seemed to like experimenting with alternative layouts.

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