Wednesday 14 February 2007

El Lissitzky's 2 Squares

2 Squares is a book that opens with "To all children". It is a large book that for the English version uses tracing paper over the underlying pages to allow the images to show through and keeping the Russian words still on the page as part of the design. The tracing paper has the English words laid over the Russian words and they are written in exactly the same style and angle.
Lissitzky does not use a lot of text on the page but the words he does have there are normally at an odd angle and on some pages the letters are even placed the wrong way round.
The two colours used are black and red and these colours along with the story about two squares crashing to earth is how Lissitzky communicates his ideas.
The slanted letters emphasise the idea that the words are part of a tv or radio announcement. The images are also quite angular yet still very simple. They have been drawn in such a way that they convey the action and drama, for example on the "cRash all scattered" page. The words hardly seem necessary yet all seem to be designed carefully to give the full effect.

El Lissitzky About 2 Squares

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